6th Grade Math
Morning/After School Help
You may come in for morning help if homework becomes to difficult, didn't understand lesson form class, or want extra practice to help you prepare for quiz or test. You may enter the building at 8:00 AM using your morning pass through the main door. Your morning pass is in your agenda.
You can also stay after school from 4:00 to 4:30. You must have a note written in your agenda from parent/guardian saying you have permission to stay AND how you plan on getting home.
Online Math Help
Virtual Nerd: www.virtualnerd.com
Khan Academy: www.khanacademy.org
CMP3 Support through Pearson: mymathuniverse.com/programs/cmp3/channels/8
Contact Your Homework Buddies
Every student has at least two homework buddies within their math class. These are people whom they trust to contact if they are absent or need help with math homework. Study buddy names and phone numbers are located within student's math binders.
Useful Math Links & Resources
Click here . There are few websites that I listed under Math Help that I found particularly helpful. On those sites you can search for the concept we are learning or specific vocabulary terms.
Ask a Family Member
Older siblings or parents are great resources to ask for assistance with your math homework.
E-mail Ms. Mistry
If you are still struggling with your homework assignment, you may email me at jhmistry@cps.edu with your answerable question(s) that specifically state what you are confused about.