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Please review the syllabus absentee policy.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete homework upon returning to school.  It is also students responsibility to come schedule a time to make up a test or quiz.


When you return from an absence:

1.  Check with a trusted teammate or study buddy to determine what needs to be handed in and what needs to be completed.  You may also reference this website and our calendar under "Daily Agenda & Homework"

2.  Check the Extra Copies crate for any handouts or worksheets.

3.  Look over the work you missed.

4.  Ask your teammates and/or study buddies questions about the lesson(s) missed.

5.  See me (Ms. Mistry) if you have further questions.


Make-Up Work

Make-up work is accepted ONLY for excused absences. When absent, please complete absent sheet for make-up work. You will be given 2 days to complete the work for full credit. Any absent work turned in after 2 days will be considered late work.





Homework will be assignment each week.  A complete homework assignment is one in which every problem is complete and attempted, demonstrates effort, has all math work shown, and is legible.  Please complete all math assignments using pencil.  I grade on effort and completeness as well as monitoring your corrections and understanding of the material. Homework is a way to strengthen and develop the skills learned during class time.  Assignments will be reasonable in length and difficulty.  All homework assignments will be posted in the classroom and on the calendar.


Late Work

Late work, which includes classwork and homework, is accepted within one week after it was assigned. However, the highest grade you can receive is a C. 


Re-Do Work

If you get a failing grade (D or F), you can change that! You can fix your mistakes, turn it in again, and if you have shown growth you will get a C. Look for the Quality Alert Slip. 



In math, you will see many forms of on-going assessments such as check points, check-ups, mini quizzes, quizzes, reflection writing, projects, presentations, tests, performance tasks, and district-wide benchmark assessments.  Assessments may be digital and/or paper/pencil. I will use assessments to:

· Assist in student learning and guide instruction

· Identify student strengths and weaknesses

· Provide data to communicate with you and your parents to determine your mastery.


Grading Policy

You will be graded on warm-ups (Do Nows), homework, class work, exit slips, quizzes, tests, performance tasks, and projects. Please see the percentage breakdown below.

45% Projects & Tests

15% Performance

35 Quizzes & Classwork

5% Homework


Grading Scale

99% and above = A+         78% - 79% = C+

93% - 98% = A                 73% - 77% = C

90% - 92% = A-                70% - 72% = C-

88% - 89% = B+               68% - 69% = D+

83% - 87% = B                 63% - 67% = D

80% - 82% = B-                60% - 62% = D-

                                        59% and below = F

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